Wednesday, September 25, 2013

New beanies dropping soon.

Here's snap of Aaron Ormord playing with Sacramento DMG in the Valken Cup last weekend.  This new Valken format offered 3 formats over the coarse of 3 days.  Day one started with Woodsball, followed by Pump and then concluded with Speedball.  Seems like a pretty unique idea for a tournament, we'll see what comes of it.  Could be a cool way to level the playing field throughout the unique formats.  

Monday, September 16, 2013

Drill Tip- The right and WRONG way to play the Snake.

Playing the Snake is something some people play more than others.  That being said everyone should know how to play this crucial spot on the field, and play it well.  Here's a big thing I see done wrong often in the Snake.

Wrong Way-

The reason this is the wrong way to play the Snake is that it exposes to much of your body for starters.  If you are battling heads up down the Snake or with any bunker down tape for that matter being in a power stance leads about 50% more of your body to shoot.  This is OK if you are clearing a field, but not OK if anyone is on the Snake side of the field.  

Correct Way-

If you look down field at this player he is exposing 50% less by being in the correct position. This will also help you from getting clipped in field on your pack as often. Another HUGE benefit to playing the Snake this way is you can use your elbow as a pivot point.  Using your elbow as a pivot point makes for a more accurate snapshot down field.  Practice leaning in and out on your elbow as a new way to snapshoot down Snake.  

Extra Tip- Occasionally this style snap shot can be used in other types of bunkers to throw your opponent off of your usual snap routine. 

Cheers guys, everyone has their own style but I hope you can take this tip and use it to help mold yourself in to a better Paintball player. 

-Tommy Tucker
Portland Uprising 

Friday, September 13, 2013

New vid out.

Scope the new lifestyle apparel vid, extra street cred points if you name the model.